Friday, May 19, 2017

Aaaaahhh Bear

The true test of our friendship lies in the hour of need.

I sit in the dark in my hour and wonder, who do I call to tell?

Who will understand my pain and not just say sorry but respond as one who has known how to handle me in my fragile moments?

Another night awake
Another night mind alert
To tunes and phrases whispered years ago
I remember the warmth of friendship
The fragrance of kindness
And the language of love

This would have been another time to cement a friendship that we thought so important years ago but dropped in a moment

I had an inkling
I remember as I got out of the car today and saw the collars JMV gave me two days ago
I thought to myself...I have never taken them out of the car
And something shifted, I had the strangest feeling that Bear wouldn't need the collars

And he won't.
I guess he was never meant to stay.
He has gone where they all go.

All dogs go to heaven.

When he crawls to the kitchen door looking for you tomorrow, the next day and the next, smiling, laughing and shouting aaaaahhhh!! Aaaaaahhhh!! What shall I do? What shall I say? I suppose I will cry because my tears are never far with these things! Well Bear-Aaahhh, you made my boy happy. I thank you. The last two days were horrible for you. I guess you had to sign out. We miss you.

Goodbye Aaaaahhh.
Goodbye Sparksy
Goodbye Neighbor

Goodbye Bear.